martes, 30 de diciembre de 2014

Level 7

Level 7 – Blending Phonemes to Make Words

Blending Phonemes to make words: a word is presented, with the individual phonemes isolated.  The child needs to put the phonemes together to make the word.
Phonemic segmentation :  a child is given a word and is required to isolate the individual phonemes.  Please not: these tasks can be presented as onset and rime e.g. /p/ar…k/ or phoneme by phoneme e.g. /p/. /ar./ /k/

In most children the ability to synthesise (blend) sounds into words occurs earlier than analytic (segmentation) skills (Bryen & Gerber, 1987; Caravolas & Bruck, 1993; Solomons, 1992; Torgesen et al., 1992; Yopp, 1992).

Guess It

The guess it game can be played in many ways.  Teacher orally segments the name of an animal.  Children must guess the animal’s identity.
Samples:  /p/…ig      /l/…amb      /d/…og      /c/…at      /h/…en      /r/…at

In my case, I have tried to organised the different noun of animals in the categories: closed syllable, open syllable, closed syllable, r-controlled, silent-e, and vowel team.
I have introduced an audio in which you hear the phoneme os each single letter.
Source Blevins (1997)

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